Monday, November 16, 2009

Iran and U.S.: Imperialism Threat or Overreaction?

Tehran, Iran (CNN) -- Iran has stepped up efforts to combat what it calls American "plots," according to state media, with at least $20 million approved for a special committee to thwart such schemes.

The report from the FARS news agency did not specify what the plots might be, but Iran has previously accused Western powers of stirring up protests over its disputed presidential election in June. The election led to nationwide demonstrations and apparent cracks in Iran's leadership.

A committee composed of the ministries of information, interior and foreign affairs had been approved "to combat American plots," FARS reported Saturday.

The state-media account attributed the information to Fatemeh Alia, whom FARS described as a representative of the people of Tehran and the head of the Human Right Commission of the Parliamentary National Security Committee.

"We put Great Britain right next to America, when it comes to plots against our country and other developing countries, since they are always shoulder-to-shoulder with the Americans," FARS quoted Alia as saying. "Of course, we should not keep our efforts limited to American human rights abuses since the Americans employ a variety of subversive plots against Iran and other developing countries. We also believe that the $20 million budget is not enough and many representatives in the parliament are supporting increasing this budget to $50 million."

FARS did not say how the committee would work against U.S. plots.

U.S. officials were not reachable overnight Saturday for comment about the Iranian declaration. However, the United States and Britain have previously refuted Iran's accusations.

Since we are starting a chapter on Imperialism soon I wanted to a ask a question based on this article. I want you to tell me if you think Iran is overreacting by being angry at alleged U.S. and British "plots"? Do you think our countries are showing signs of being imperialistic by being involved too much in world relations in the Middle East?


  1. I think they are over reacting because i mean, british is right near us and we can get their help faster than iran. british is in Canada i mean when we need help in a war or something they are right beside us in case we need more help. i know the united states government can sometimes make bad decisions but i think this decision is really good and Iran can get over it. GO USA USA USA USA USA From:(Dustin Garmon)

  2. I think Iran is over reacting with USA and British plot because they are closer to help us fight in wars. Iran shoould not over react over us getting help from British. they can help us in time in need....... I would tell Iran to get over it. GO USA USA USA USA FROM: (DUSTIN GARMON) who ever is with me on it post a comment and say I

  3. I agree with Dustin. Iran is paranoid over the western involvement in their nuclear programs, but the west has no choice but to interfere because we cannot allow the proliferation of nuclear weapons by radical countries whos beliefs might allow the use of one of these weapons against the western nations such as the United States and Great Britain.

    Yes, I do think that the U.S. is being Imperialistic by being involed too much in the world relations in the Middle East, but I dont see anything wrong with that. I mean in all honesty, the U.S has been interfering with other countries relations for decades and no one has said anything about it until now. We aren't trying to take them over and make them a part of the United States, we're just trying to make life better for the people who live there.

  4. I agree with Amanda and Dustin but you have to give Iran the credit, dont you thikn that f they were to get help with someonelse that our country would over react to it? And if we are more worried about making peoples lives better over there then wouldnt you think that we would all fall apart because all out funds are going to them and then ew are just got to have the great depresson all over again. Yet i am saying that they arent obligated to say somthing now but I mean maybe just maybe they are actually looking out for us. They could be looking out for our safety, because anyone could turn and anybody within a matter of seconds. That could go both was though so right now i am in the middle of all this mess, im and neutral about the chaos.

  5. Susanne Ashby

    I really like your website Mr. M!!! Good job!
    I think (unfortunately) that the U.S. goes into other countries not for Their good but for our OWN good. Then we put the spin on it that we are helping them.

  6. Honestly, I would freak out if another country came in and tried to control our weapons and such. It's such a violation of privacy and security, once you think about it.
    Then again, America is full of spazzes who need the security of knowing we somewhat control the use of nuclear weapons (which is also one of the reasons why the gov't doesn't tell the public a lot of things).
    You know, if we're in such a recession, why not bring the troops home and stop spending so much of our money? Huh, seems kind of logical, does it not? It'd help the economy and make a lot of people hate us quite a bit less.
    Back to the point here, I don't think Iran is overracting. It's just a natural reaction to worry if a powerful country comes in to your own.

  7. And also, Iran doesn't have very many nuclear weapons for us to deal with. So, the question remains, why are we over there in the first place? Do you really think we're trying to make thigs better for the people over there? No, of course not. We're trying to control the people over there just so we can control the oil flow, as well as whatever little nuclear activity is going on over there, which is insignificant, once you think about it. Oh, and we're also trying to control their religion. Think about it.

  8. Iran was invaded because of weapons of mass destruction threats, we've been there for awhile now and not even one weapon of mass destruction has been found, and since we've messed up there country we have to stay and spend more of our money to help get them going again.Some people think that we invaded Iraq because of 9-11 however most of the people on that plane were from Afghanistan, and now we're starting to mess with them so this means more war debt and thats not good.Just as long as Iran doesnt start killing all the brits and americans though i think it will be O.K.
